Appliances rental

Azure Stack

Mircosoft Azure Stack rent

Microsoft Azure Stack rental

Dell EMC Cloud for Microsoft Azure Stack is a hybrid cloud platform for delivering infrastructure and platform as a service (IaaS and PaaS) with a consistent Azure experience on-premises and in the public cloud. Organisations can access, create, and share application services securely across Azure and Azure Stack for both traditional and cloud-native applications. Dell EMC Cloud for Microsoft Azure Stack is engineered with best-in-class, hyper-converged infrastructure, networking, backup, and encryption from Dell EMC, along with application development tools from Microsoft. It delivers enterprise-grade performance, resiliency, and security including integrated deployment services from Dell EMC experts. One contact support from Dell EMC, reduces your operational risk, while flexible consumption models make it easy to consume.

Azure Stack rental from IRENT

Experience the efficiency of Azure Stack in your own data centre. A Proof of Concept allows you to test systems or system applications in your own data centre with your own workload. We make sure the systems are delivered and ready to use. Contact our IT-specialists for more information.

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Contact Laurens ten Klooster

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Laurens ten Klooster

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