Bridging delivery time


✔   Need server, storage or network hardware as a temporary solution while you wait for a delivery?
✔   You’d planned it all carefully, but a delay occurred in nonetheless?
✔   Need temporary IT infrastructure in the run-up to a tendering process?✔Discovered that the system/solution you need isn’t available for delivery right now?
✔   Is your business-critical IT no longer covered by support, and you need a stop-gap solution until you buy your new hardware?


Are your systems letting you down when it comes to performance, availability or sustainability? Then it’s time for new server, storage or networking hardware. But given the delivery time for products or the tendering process that you have to undertake to buy the hardware, it’ll be some time before the hardware actually arrives on your premises. In many cases waiting simply isn’t an option, particularly if your IT capacity or performance needs to be improved immediately. Similarly, what happens if you’re midway through a transition but discover that your vendor isn’t going to manage to deliver on time? Your own deadline is fixed, and you’ve booked the engineers or consultants. In cases like this, renting a temporary IT solution can also help you carry on while you wait for that delivery.

Rental systems in the rack tomorrow!

Rental of temporary server, storage and network solutions in Europe | More than €15 million of rental hardware in stock | The solution you need within 24 hours | We offer the systems of leading vendors such as Dell EMC, Lenovo, IBM, HPE and Cisco

“The continuity of your IT life-cycle is crucial. Rent temporary server, storage or network solutions to keep your systems up-and-running while you wait for delivery of your new equipment.”

Other reasons to rent IT systems

  • Demo
    No doubt you’ve already spent lots of time investigating the theoretical and technological possibilities offered by the systems on the market.
  • Try and buy
    Nowadays when it comes to software or licenses, try and buy has become quite common. That makes perfect sense. After all, seeing is believing – you want to try a solution first to see whether it meets your needs.
  • Proof of concept
    With a Proof of Concept (PoC), you can explore the possibilities that technology offers and, with the aid of a use case, assess whether systems match your organization’s unique IT profile.
  • Financial services
    IRENT Financial Services makes it possible to hire flexible capacity on a temporary basis for server, storage and/or networking hardware. You pay a fixed monthly fee for this service. Looking for maximum flexibility without any unexpected costs?
  • IT-services
    Want to keep your IT environment up-and-running during a migration? Or need to reduce the risk of downtime during the migration? In that case you can rent a technological bypass, extra back-up or a temporary identical IT environment.

Can I help you?

Contact Mike van Geest

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