GDPR Data Management
Documents which are sensitive in the field of privacy often nestle in your organization unnoticed. Because it always considers an enormous amount of documents, it is a complicated challenge for CISO’s, DPO’s and FG’s to meet the GDPR requirements. A few example of issues that have to be taken into account:
- How do you find out where privacy sensitive information is stored?
- Who is managing the data?
- Which information do you deliver when asked for it?
- How do you handle a request for destruction or anonymization?

Discover the GDPR Appliance in 2 minuten!
With the GDPR Appliances As a Service from IRENT and Micro Focus, you can index, analyze and manage all of the privacy-sensitive data in your organization.
Unstructured Data
In a lot of businesses, over 80% of data within the company is so called unstructured data. A few examples of these are: office, documents, pdf’s and even the log of the office printer. The information in these documents are dificult to track but often contain privacy sensitive information.
GDPR: an ongoing process
You can split up the GDPR Data Management in three main focus areas: 1. interal policies 2. Inventory data flows and 3. policy implementation. Regardless of in which area you are currently working, with the GDPR Appliance as a Service. The GDPR appliances helps you to handle the unstructured data within your company

GDPR Appliance as a Service
Where other software does not go beyond an analysis report – which is actually immediately outdated – the GDPR Appliance as a Service goes way further. Based on the analysis, you can set up various procedures to allow the GDPR Appliance to do its work (partly) automatically through certain types of data:
- Save at a fixed location
- Nominate to delete data after review
- Or to directly delete/archive
How long do I need the GDPR appliance to meet the requirements?
The GDPR Appliance as a Service can be hired once (also as a demo), periodically (for example every three months) or structurally. IRENT is happy to advise you on which solution best fits your situation and your business. Moreover, you do not have to worry about installing and activating the GDPR Appliance. Besides offering the appliances, we make sure everything is delivered at your business. Besides, our GDPR consultant is happy to explain the appliance to you.
What is offered when choosing for the GDPR appliance?
Through the GDPR Appliance as a Service, you not only bring the appliance in house, but you can also count on professional guidance and support. Depending on the specific wishes and needs, the service consists of the following components:
- Intakegesprek (uitleg, functionele wensen, gegevensverzameling, project scope)
- ROT-analyse (redundant, overbodige en triviale data)
- Koppeling informatiebronnen (bijv. netwerk share, Exchange of SharePoint)
- Koppeling GDPR-definities (bijv. BSN, telefoonnummer, bank- of creditcardnummer)
- Koppeling categorisaties (bijv. facturen of contracten)
- Training in ControlPoint-configuratie
- Eindgesprek (uitleg van resultaten en aanbevelingen vervolgstappen)
Clear GDPR approach
We determine the scope of your AVG project based on an exploratory discussion. In this way we can make clear agreements and we arrive at a clear project approach, in which we support you from A to Z. We advise how and where to start. The smart software then performs a data scan and tells exactly where privacy or AVG sensitive data is located. Based on that scan, we provide advice on how to handle the data. To automatically manage the data afterwards.
Download the free whitepaper
In the whitepaper we already offer you 7 tips to work with and to meet the GDPR requirements