Network rental
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Cisco Networking Switch

Need extra network ports or bandwidth, for example because you’re moving to new premises or are temporarily using extra servers and/or storage? In that case you can rent extra core or SAN switches from us. The rental period is completely up to you. Our solutions will help you to guarantee optimal availability for your network 24/7. We stock thousands of network ports, allowing us to provide you with the right Cisco switch in the case of an escalation, quickly and at any location you want.

Cisco Switches and Hardware as a Service

Don’t want to invest in your own hardware (CAPEX)? In that case a customised (OPEX) solution would be ideal. Uniquely, you can even downscale during the contract period.

Cisco Switches within 24 hours

Our IT specialists will ensure that your request is translated into the desired Cisco network solution within 2 hours. We’ll make clear what you can expect from us, and what you will need to invest. Once you give your approval, we will deliver your customised network solution, if necessary within 24 hours. You can rent our Cisco network solutions flexibly on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Not sure yet how long you’ll require our services? Don’t worry – our contracts can always be extended.

Cisco Networking Switches from IRENT

IRENT has been the specialist of choice in server, storage and network leasing for more than 15 years. We are Europe’s market leader in the rental of high-end/enterprise hardware. Want to find out more about the options available? We’ll be glad to help you find the best short-term Cisco network solution for your needs. Why not contact us and put us to the test?

  • Experience in delivery all over the world
  • Inventory of over € 15 million in IT infrastructure
  • Demopool partner of Dell EMC, Lenovo and IBM.
  • Flexible rental contracts from 1 day to several years
  • More than 15 years rental experience

Can I help you?

Contact Laurens ten Klooster

A question, request or quotation? Contact us!

Laurens ten Klooster

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