Unstructured data and extra capacity
The jungle of unstructured data and the need for extra capacity
Everyone has heard of it and every company has to deal with it. Data. Both structured and unstructured. The type of data that we want to limit as much as possible is at the same time the most common: unstructured data. On average, these take up to 80-90% of all data capacity within a company. Think of text files in Word, e-mails, images, videos, all these file types fall into the category of unstructured data.
One of the disadvantages of unstructured data is that it takes up a lot of the storage capacity. Much more than structured data does. Therefore, it may be that after a while, the current storage solution is no longer sufficient and you will need extra capacity. However, there may be some bumps on the road to more capacity.
An example of one of these bumps is the difference between new system generations. Take the Dell EMC Isilon storage solution for example. An extremely powerful storage solution that makes it possible to combine file and block storage. The Isilon is known as a system that helps you manage your data simply, speed up processes and analyze data easily with the operating system: One FS.
Constant innovation is accompanied by an exceptional and unique system. This innovation results in different generations of the Isilon solution. This generation difference does result in a small bump if you need extra capacity that you did not expect in advance.
Let’s suppose you have a Isilon gen 5 cluster and out of the sudden you need extra capacity. Logically, you would need an extra gen 5 node to increase your capacity. However, the gen 5, is the older generation of Dell EMC isilon and is thus no longer produced. This means, your capacity cannot be increased with the same system. Help, what now? How should this be solved?
You have two options:
1. You can choose to replace all clusters with new gen 6 clusters. This is the new generation and thus you will have got a more modern system than the predecessor, or;
2. You can choose to temporarily rent a gen 5 node to be able to move forward in the coming period with a minimal financial investment, sufficient storage capacity and in your own current environment
In addition to the financial benefit, renting additional temporary capacity also offers the following benefits:
- You contribute to the circular economy in IT. This in turn also contributes to the CSR score of your company. A true win-win situation.
- The systems are tailor-made and precisely tailored to your environment
Questions about the possibilities of renting Isilon gen 5 nodes? Our IT specialists are ready to help you to configurate the optimal system for your IT environment. Fill in the fields below and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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