Sustainability calculator


Under the European Green Deal and the European Climate Law, the EU has committed to becoming climate neutral by 2050. That means reducing greenhouse gas emissions sharply in the coming decades. As an intermediate step towards climate neutrality, the EU has raised its ambition for 2030: CO2 emissions must be reduced by at least 55% compared to 1990 by that year. Source: European Council.

So it makes sense not to buy new IT hardware. After all, this saves a lot of carbon emissions. In the calculator below you can see exactly how much you save when you buy refurbished IT hardware.

1) Choose your product.

  • Notebook
    Notebook: AverageNotebook: Smaller than 14 inchesNotebook: Larger than 14 inchNotebook: Hybrid
  • AIO
    AIO: AverageAIO: Screen smaller than 24 inchAIO: Screen larger than 24 inch
  • Desktop
    AvarageDesktop: USDTDesktop: SFFDesktop: Tower
  • Monitor
    Monitor: MediumMonitor: Smaller than 33 inchesMonitor: Larger than 33 inches
  • Printer
    Printer Average
  • Server
    Server Average
  • Handheld
    Handheld: AvarageHandheld: Large tabletHandheld: Small TabletHandheld: Smartphone
  • Network equipment
    Network AverageNetwork equipment: Rack mounted (blade)Network equipment: Rack mounted (large)

2) Determine the amount.

3) Read off how much CO2 you save.

CO2 emissions

You avoided approximately this amount of CO₂ emissions.


Less KG CO2 emissions

Are you looking for theCO2 emissions of a specific piece of equipment?

Then please visit the LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) pages of the IT suppliers.
To do so, click on the logo of the respective vendor.

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